Κανό - καγιάκ στη Λίμνη Πλαστήρα - kayak on Lake Plastiras

Canoe- Kayak

A leisurely stroll on Lake Plastira, with canoe – kayak, pirogue and SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) can be a unique experience for paddle lovers.
TAVROPOS provides you with the means to discover in all safety the natural riches of Lake Plastira and take either an unforgettable stroll in its crystal waters, or a day trip to its captivating bays and islets, and even reach the dam. In addition to our excellent equipment, we provide life jackets, instructions and support with our lifeboat.

Rental Price: 12€/person/1h, 20€/person/2h, 30€/person/day.

Safty Regulaytions

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